Thursday, December 8, 2011

16 more sleeps til Christmas and all is WHITE with my world

I have to tell you that my blog title is a totally optimistic play on words.
I have not finished my Christmas shopping. I still need to mail parcels 5 provinces away but before I do that I have to buy them and wrap them. Meat pies not done. The only baking in the freezer is one small container of shortbread cookies. All the plans I had to make X amount of Christmas gifts this year are only a fond memory.
I'm sure the fact that we will be missing both Mom and Mom in law this Christmas and the house has been in construction mode for so long and a very dear friend lost her daughter at a very young age last week and I have been sideswiped by a very menacing nasty flu bug and it was so grey and dull and drab every window I looked out of have contributed to my "let's ignore Christmas this year" attitude; BUT I decided to treat myself to a 3km walk last evening in the lovely falling snow. Before I was a half km from the house my attitude had improved just seeing everything so clean and white and Christmassy looking.

There is a lot to be said for having a white Christmas. Maybe if you have never had one it doesn't matter to you, but I entered this world in December in a Northern Canadian city and maybe that's why I feel a wonderful kinship with winter. Winter without snow is depressing to me, plain and simple. Christmas without snow?...well let's not go there!

So today? Well today I will make a batch of cranberry scones
( I'll post the recipe tomorrow) and maybe a War Cake or two for the "larder", wrap the few gifts that are purchased invite a friend for tea this afternoon and then this evening around suppertime (Mr. O has a Christmas supper to attend that thankfully I do not need to go to) I will head into town to do a bit of shopping. The stores are not too busy around supper time and I should make some headway in checking things off my list. edit: My friend just called and when I looked out again, it would seem the snow is getting much heavier and starting to pile up, so she will take a rain check on the visit for tea and scones and I may be shopping tomorrow instead...ahhh winter!

But back to my title...things really are white with my world and after getting back from my walk I a snapped a few pics. My night-time photography skills are a bit lacking but bare bear with me. ( I had to google to be sure which bear/bare to use; don't want any "necked" visitors showing up!)

Looking out my window this morning I have come to realize yet again that
God sure has a way of cleaning things up eh?

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life; "it goes on".   Robert Frost

1 comment:

  1. Life does go on doesn't? It's a lovely post, Wendy. In the end another Christmas will come and go too, and I'm sure the gifts will get there and you'll have enough cookies.
    i did a Christmas pudding today.
    Your night time pictures are beautiful.


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