Thursday, November 3, 2011

What's In A Name

Today while reading some comments on my sisters blog For The Love Of Threads  I clicked on a link from one of the commenters. That took me to Carri's blog entitled A Passion For Applique . While there I was checking out her Blog list on her sidebar and decided to check a few of them out. That brought me to Dawn Hays blog As Sweet As Cinnamon . Scrolling through her posts brought me to this . 
Dawn was having a give away and brought up the topic of how we chose the names we do for our blogs. She has a place to list the link to your blog and asks that you give a bit of an explanation of your blog name. Well that got me to thinking back a couple of years ago when I started blogging and the history behind my "handle". Long before it was a popular expression I used to say just that. It is what it is. This is what has happened or this is what we have or these are the is what it is, we have to deal with it. I am sure my kids would remember me saying it to them many times..."I know it isn't fair but that's life and it is what it let's make the best of it and carry on. I wanted to primarily talk quilting on my blog but soon realized that I would not be blogging often if I only talked about my quilting accomplishments, because  if you go back and check this out you can see that quilting didn't even make it into the first post. Not THIS ONE either. It was only post #3  that I first talked quilting, and showed a quilting cartoon. Post #4 I did some stitching. Well you get the quilting blog became my "this is my life blog" for no other reason than It Is What It is. I promise quilt talk tomorrow though...sigh.


  1. You're right Wendy. It IS what it is... I'm the same- I started out with intentions that 90% of my blogging would be about quilting. Well, I've found the same thing- sometimes life just gets in the way!! Probably 90% of my blathering is NOT about quilting... Oh well!! I think that's why people are still reading us - they realize we are human, with "normal problems and issues" just like everyone else. When I look at blogs where someone is showing their progress on quilting projects every day, I'm wondering do they ever get out of their sewing rooms? Do they have a family? A life? You keep right on doin' what you're doin' honey - I'll keep reading. Life IS what it is... and we'll handle it! My name "Stitch Lines" (I've often wondered since if I should change it) was just something I came up with to refer to sewing, quilting and crazy quilting... My friend Gail M (who got me into blogging) and I tossed around a number of names and settled on that one... I can't even remember if she thought of it or if I did...

  2. I think a little of life thrown in there is what makes a blog interesting and I quite like the name of your blog , in fact it is what attracted me to check it out.I use that saying a lot myself ;-0

  3. Well life being "what it is"....means that we don't get to meet "in person" as much as your blog keeps me up to date with some of the things going on in your it quilting, cooking, coming or I wouldn't want you to change a thing.

    Sue W

  4. I so agree with Sheila.....a little of our life thrown in with our blogging lets a person really know who we are. I so enjoy all the projects that all the bloggers share but reading about their daily life is what makes a person really feel connected to what and who they really are!


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