Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HI, My name is Wendy and I have a drinking problem...

I do not drink enough water! ...and that is a problem. Every morning I promise myself I will drink more water and then before you know it, the day is gone and I am thinking "I can't drink now, I will be up all night."
I have been trying to reduce my weight ( and who isn't? ) since "forever" but more recently just after Christmas. I have 14 pounds gone, which is a good thing but when I look at how much more I need to lose it just seems like an impossible task.

However I have been thinking a little different lately; it's like a lot of things in life. It takes dedication and hard work. 

I have a small poster on my bulletin board beside my sewing machine; It says "Quilts take a really long time to finish if you don't work on them." Losing weight and getting fit and healthy is the same way.

I have looked at quilt patterns and thought how much I would love to make them but thought, "wow! way too involved or complicated or advanced for me to do" but you know when you break it down into blocks the job becomes much more manageable.(this is one of quilts I thought used to be way too much work and involvement and now it is finished and proudly displayed on my sofa)

That is how I am trying to handle this challenge in my life. I know I won't ever be a runway model, but I can work at being a smaller, healthier, stronger version of who I am now. One of the things that will help me is drinking more water.

This is my LuLu Lemon shopping bag. It is full of quotes but one is of particular interest to me. Top left hand corner, just under the wide white rectangle...take a better look...

We all know what happens to a plant without water...remember what happened when I had to go away suddenly for a family emergency and Mr. O forgot to water my outdoor plants and flowers?

This is what happens when you don't hydrate enough... 
...and this is what happens when you don't hydrate at all. Scary eh?

Speaking of flowers...check out the flowers Mr. O brought home to me for Valentine's Day. He knows I love to have fresh flowers on the bathroom vanity...

So as I said earlier, yes I have a drinking problem, but I am working on it. I will aim for at least 5 glasses of water today and maybe more tomorrow. 


  1. again....we must be sisters!!! I think my friends this past week-end got tired of listening to me say how terrible I am at drinking my required glasses of water daily...funny how somes days Im so good and then some days the only amount that enters my body is enough to flush those darn pills down! and KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS! very proud of you... and jealous at the same time. I wish I was there quilting the days away with you and Cam. Enjoy the retreat! I will check in from sunny Arizona to see more pictures next week and hear all about it!

  2. Wendy, I have the same problem. Don't drink enough water. Thanks for the nudge - I'm going to go pour a glass right now!

  3. Oh Wendy, I am having that same problem... I don't like drinking water but know I need to. I set 1 tall glass of water on my kitchen counter to remind me... This morning I woke to half the glass of water still there...
    I bought a very tall bottle of flavored water to bring to the retreat.... Hopefully I will have it gone by the end of the weekend.. Lol


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